South Carolina Appleseed calls on Congress to pass the HEROES Act. The Act is the comprehensive action that is necessary to meet the unprecedented need in South Carolina and across the country. If the bill becomes law, the HEROES Act will: Boost SNAP’s maximum allotment by 15 percent, Provide direct aid and fiscal relief to…
Read MoreYesterday, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in an 8-1 decision in the case Maine Community Health Options v. United States. The court ruled that the federal government must live up to its promise to shield insurance companies from some of the risks they took in participating in the ACA…
Read MoreLast night, President Trump tweeted that he would sign an executive order temporarily suspending all immigration into the United States. This order would not only be an assault on our American values and a cruel extension of the Administration’s family separation policies, but counterproductive to mitigating the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis. We are…
Read MoreIf you have dependent children and get Social Security Survivor or disability Or Railroad Retirement Benefits You have until Noon on Wednesday April 22 to go online to get the $500 stimulus payment for each child. If you miss this deadline you can register your children with the new non-filer tool at You will still…
Read MoreOn March 17th, the South Carolina Supreme Court issued an order about evictions. All evictions scheduled between March 17, 2020 and March 31, 2020 will be rescheduled sometime after April 30, 2020. The court is allowing case-by-case exceptions for matters involving essential services and/or harm to persons or property, so some evictions may still go…
Read MoreVersión en español Below are some informational slides provided by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center. Public Charge goes into affect on Monday, February 24:
Read MoreSouth Carolina remains in the top 15 states for participation by schools Columbia, SC–The number of low-income students who participated in the School Breakfast Program in South Carolina decreased last year, according to the annual School Breakfast Scorecard released yesterday by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). The scorecard compares the rate of participation of low-income…
Read MorePuede encontrar una versión en español de esta publicación aquí. Note: this post was last updated March 3, 2020. As of February 24, 2020, the new public charge rule is in effect. Here’s what immigrant families in South Carolina need to know about the new public charge rule: What is “Public Charge”? The “public charge…
Read MoreSouth Carolina Appleseed is disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to allow the Administration’s public charge rule to go into effect before Federal Courts have decided whether the rule itself is lawful. This rule has already had devastating and permanent impacts on the health and well-being of immigrant and mixed status families in…
Read MoreWe need your help to identify 40-50 community leaders that will help identify what needs to be done to get a complete count of South Carolina! Strategy Session Dates: Registration will start at 9:45am. Sessions will run from 10:00am-2:00pm. Lunch will be provided. Stipends are available to assist with transportation, child care, and/or to assist…
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