Posted in Immigration
South Carolina Appleseed is disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to allow the Administration’s public charge rule to go into effect before Federal Courts have decided whether the rule itself is lawful.
This rule has already had devastating and permanent impacts on the health and well-being of immigrant and mixed status families in South Carolina and across the country, who are afraid to access the services and benefits their families are eligible for. Allowing the rule to be implemented before the courts reach a final decision on its legality will only exacerbate the harm to families. This public charge rule, which essentially limits immigration to wealthy applicants, is in direct conflict with American ideals and values, and may still be ruled unconstitutional or unlawful by Federal courts in the future.
SC Appleseed is disheartened that the U.S. Supreme Court chose to upend decades-long-standing immigration policy and allow the rule to go into effect before a final decision on its legality. SC Appleseed has opposed the Trump Administration’s proposals to change the public charge definition for immigrants seeking to enter or become residents of the United States since they were introduced in 2017. We will continue to fight this rule and will continue to post updated information about the rule and who is affected. For more information, please visit