Housing Resources
Our home for guides, reports, and resources related to improving housing equality in South Carolina. Have housing questions,? Contact our housing organizer at [email protected] for details.
Landlord & Tenant Law Guide: A 101 guide to SC laws on renting
Repairs by Landlords: What landlords are required to do by law
Eviction Process: What the process looks like and what you can do
HUD Tenant Rights: Complete responsibilities of tenants by SC law
Advice for Evictions, from SC Bar
Tenant Right to Counsel: ACLU on why representation in court is a difference maker
The GAP Report: A look at the lack of affordable housing in South Carolina
Out of Reach: A report assessing the high cost of rent today in the state
Eviction Data for SC, Per Eviction Lab
South Carolina Housing Justice Network (Charleston): Working to improve tenant rights through advocacy
F.I.R.E (Midlands): Providing assistance to people who lost homes to fire
SC NAACP Housing Navigators (Richland County): Legal and financial help to those facing eviction