To the Residents of Allen Benedict Court:

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To Residents of Allen Benedict Court:

We know that recent events at Allen Benedict have made things difficult for residents. Able South Carolina and the SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center want you to know that we’re here to help.

Please contact us using the information below if you have faced:

  • Problems with temporary housing (e.g., housing that is inadequate or inaccessible),
  • Damage or loss of medical or assistive devices or other kinds of property,
  • Trouble with employment, school, childcare, or transportation,
  • Any other problems because of recent events at Allen Benedict.

Or, give us a call if you just have questions about your rights or want to know what resources are available.

Able South Carolina is a consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability nonprofit that provides an array of independent living services.

S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center is a voice for low income South Carolinians for social, legal, and economic justice. 

Together we can make sure your voices are heard.



Able South Carolina
720 Gracern Rd. Ste. 106
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 779-5121
S.C. Appleseed Legal Justice Center
1518 Washington Street
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 779-1113
[email protected]


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