Posted in Blog, Collateral Consequences, Consumer Issues, Education, Healthcare, Housing, Hunger, Immigration, Trainings, Veterans
Help make SC a place for opportunity and justice for ALL…one VOICE at a time.
It’s simple.
1,000 voices each giving $35 in honor of our 35th year MATCHED
dollar-for-dollar will raise critical support to help make South Carolina a place of opportunity & justice for all.
Here in South Carolina, where society historically has been divided along lines of race and socio-economic class, where power centers long have been noted for their apathy toward the less fortunate, advocates for the poor have remained steadfast, accustomed to long odds. Stalwart among them, SC Appleseed has pursued economic, legal and social justice for the state’s low-income population through advocacy, education and litigation for over 35 years. We are dedicated to to effecting systemic change wherever we can do the most good – in and through the courthouse, legislature, administrative agencies, community and the media. Over the last 35 years, our work has helped many thousands of South Carolinians. But there is a lot more work to be done.
We are a voice for the child whose home is someone else’s couch, for the elderly couple trapped in the debt cycle of payday lending, for the 1 in 4 children in South Carolina who go hungry at night, for the family who now has affordable health coverage for the very first time, for students who were pushed out of school even though their parents were asking for help, for the elderly veteran who needs help writing his will, for the high school graduate at risk of losing her scholarship due to her parents’ immigration status, and for the 200 lawyers and advocates they train to work with them each year.
South Carolina Appleseed has helped many thousands of South Carolinians keep food on the table, have a roof over their head, and an opportunity at a better life in our state.
[Read about 35 real-life instances in which SC Appleseed has been a voice for someone in need]
But there is a lot more work that needs to be done towards making South Carolina a place of opportunity and justice for all…and SC Appleseed will be leading the charge!
SC Appleseed has been given an incredibly generous and powerful CHALLENGE GRANT to raise new, critical support for our work on behalf of low-income South Carolinians. The Four Freedoms Fund, part of the Public Interest Projects, has long been a supporter of our policy advocacy work and has awarded SC Appleseed a $25,000 CHALLENGE MATCH GRANT, but we can only secure this funding by raising support from new individual donors or increased giving from current donors.
Our goal is to raise $35,000 through our 1,000 Voices Campaign, allowing us to match dollar-for-dollar each donation up to $25,000. This funding would:
- support current projects underway
- allow us to continue serving as experts on anti-poverty policy in the state
- enable us to be responsive and proactive when issues affect low-income South Carolinians arise
- help us serve as a vital educational resource for community groups, administrative agencies, governmental entities, and other non-profit organizations.
- empower us to explore new areas of policy for which we do not currently have dedicated funding
- GIVE SUPPORT: Consider making a $35 gift to SC Appleseed – every donation will be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000. This is truly a game-changing opportunity to raise new, critical support to continue our work. Give today at
- ASK OTHERS TO JOIN YOU: Just telling 5 friends about this opportunity will help us reach our goal!
- BE IN THE KNOW: Stay on top of the issues! Sign up to join our list for calls-to-action, policy alerts & updates.
- GET ENGAGED: Engage in the issues with us through social media!
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Our goal is for 1,000 people to donate $35 in honor of SC Appleseed’s 35 years of service to South Carolina. By raising $35,000, we will be able to secure an additional $25,000 in support through a challenge grant. Together, this support can help us make South Carolina a place of justice and opportunity for all!
one. voice. at. a. time.